My way of working

Working with me means seeking clarity: How much German/Spanish do you know? In which areas and with which tasks are you already able to act in German/Spanish? In which areas would you like to improve your German/Spanish? How can we define the gap that lies between what is and what should be? And what learning plan can lead to closing it? How do we integrate learning into everyday life, in our meetings and outside of them, and how long might it take to achieve the goal? All of these questions are often not even mentioned in group lessons, let alone addressed. Often it's just about the standardized levels, which are mostly not enough to create individual German/Spanish language profiles.

Working with me means taking a holistic view of your language learning process and shaping it against the background of your personal and professional life: Where do you want to go? What role does learning the language play in achieving your goals? How much German/Spanish do you actually need? And how good do you want to be at it? What time and other resources do you have to improve the language? Which activities that you have done so far in your native language or in English can you try to do in your target language? Are you ready to use other languages less and German/Spanish more?

Working with me also means becoming aware of your personal freedom: Multilingual people usually find that they are a little different in each language. With me, you will get to know yourself differently and in a new way because I will introduce you to your target language in such a way that you will become curious and ask questions that you may not have even thought of in other languages.

Working with me means shaping a process of change: In our sessions, I arouse your interest not only in the German/Spanish language but also in your future in and with it, in the German/Spanish-speaking culture and in your personal and professional, multilingual world. It's all about you as a person, seeking clarity about making the best out of you and your situation.

Why do language lessons and individual coaching go well together?

The latest scientific research on language learning suggests that the more closely the acquisition of a foreign language resembles the acquisition of the first language, the better it works. We usually learn our first language, i.e. our mother tongue, in the family, with our first playmates and in kindergarten, i.e. in an environment based on trust, where we can talk about everything, where we are understood without the need for words and where we are helped to say what we want to say.

Through content-focused communication, you learn without realizing it. You don't actually learn, you acquire your mother tongue, so it comes naturally and never becomes tedious: You playfully try out new structures, ask questions if you don't understand something, and experiment with different strategies. You improve your language skills and your expressiveness without being conscious of it, without feeling that it is work. And you learn to talk about exactly the things you need and are interested in.

In my work I am an individual coach and German/Spanish teacher in one person: I give you, the language learner, that confident acceptance that you experienced in your childhood during the acquisition of your mother tongue, so that you acquire the language in a similar way to your mother tongue.  You are given the opportunity to verbalize your own personal world in German/Spanish. I guide you in individual conversations so that you can say in German/Spanish exactly what is on your mind, what you want to clarify, what is important to you, and what you want to communicate to others.

I keep the conversation alive, ask questions, give ideas, and make suggestions. As a coach, I am sympathetic and give my full attention; I give space and time to express yourself and advise on learning methods and motives. As a language teacher, I give suggestions and linguistic tools, i.e. words, structures and strategies as well as individually selected learning materials. The dual role of coach and language teacher not only adds to, but multiplies and even enhances the effectiveness of the learning progress. 

My dual role as a language teacher and individual coach

In my role as a German/Spanish teacher, I focus on improving your reception and linguistic production by suggesting possible utterances or presenting alternatives to utterances made in context. I also correct individual errors without interrupting the conversation and, in the case of systematic errors, I add a more or less lengthy explanation. Depending on the student's wishes, I also give specific grammar lessons with theoretical explanations and practical exercises. The correct pronunciation is also an important part of my lessons. The phonetic system of the target language and its practical application is an aspect of learning German/Spanish that should not be underestimated.

In my role as a learning coach, I improve the effectiveness of learning by creating a relaxed and positive working atmosphere and by overcoming learning blocks in such a way that they give way to naturally innate curiosity. I explain the target language and the learning process in such a way that interest arises without conscious control, which leads to motivation and thus to learning success. As a coach, I encourage you to dare to define and achieve your goals. Our work together as coach and client is at the same time the material for your language as well as purpose so that you can situate yourself in the German/Spanish-speaking world, set your goals and plan steps to achieve them.

Both during lessons and when planning self-study and correcting homework, I monitor the entire learning process and also advise on issues such as time management, learning materials, and methodology in relation to self-defined learning objectives. We also discuss all other issues concerning the learner, as circumstances are as important for successful learning as the learning itself, and therefore coaching also includes learning, life and career coaching.

But coaching is also an important part of my work as such. Because of my multicultural background, my international experience, my basic training as a pedagogue, my additional training as a coach, and especially because of my many years of experience as a psychosocial individual case worker and coach, I can help German/Spanish learners and migrants in countries with these languages in particular effectively and also ensure that they are efficient in their self-study and do not lose their motivation. I support you not only with the language, but also with German/Spanish-speaking society, so that you can not only cope professionally and privately but also be successful.

How does language coaching for German or Spanish as a foreign language work?

The exact format for language coaching for German or Spanish as a foreign language can vary depending on the teacher and the student, but in general, it can go like this:

Needs assessment: At the beginning, a needs assessment is conducted with the student to determine their learning goals, weaknesses, and strengths in learning German/Spanish. The starting point is the stated difference between the current language skills and the target definition as well as an analysis of all relevant circumstances.

Learning planning: Based on the results of the needs analysis, a tailor-made learning plan is created to meet the student's needs and goals.

Teaching: A variety of methods and activities can be used in the coaching sessions to support the student in learning German. These may include conversation, grammar exercises, role-plays, writing tasks and listening comprehension exercises.

Feedback and review: During the learning process, the student receives regular feedback and is reviewed to monitor progress and depth of understanding.

Adaptations: The learning plan can be adjusted as needed to optimize learning progress.

The aim of language coaching is to support the student as effectively and efficiently as possible in learning German/Spanish by addressing their individual needs and learning goals.